Monday, May 30, 2005

Ford Citizenship

From: Ford Motor Company


Suppliers are an integral part of our business, and our success is interdependent with theirs. We rely on more than 2,000 production suppliers to provide many of the parts that are assembled into Ford vehicles. Another 9,000 suppliers provide a wide range of nonproduction goods and services, from production equipment to computers to advertising.

Environmental Management and Human Rights

It is important that our suppliers share our commitment to corporate citizenship. In 2003, we concluded a four-year joint effort aimed at extending the ISO 14001 environmental management standard throughout our supply base. Nearly all of Ford’s Q1 production suppliers worldwide have now achieved ISO 14001 certification. We also extended to our suppliers the Code of Basic Working Conditions that was adopted in 2003.

These standards for environmental management and human rights are an integral part of revised terms and conditions for production suppliers that became effective in January 2004 and are employed throughout our global supply base. Similar requirements will be integrated into the updated terms and conditions (currently being drafted) for nonproduction suppliers.

More on this topic

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